Tree Planting Tips

Use Native Trees


Native plants are well suited to the local ecology and growing conditions.


Avoid planting invasive species which can grow out of control and crowd out native plants and which do not nurture beneficial native wildlife - bees, butterflies and native wasps - which are also pollinators and destroyers of destructive worms and caterpillars.


Exotic (non-native) plants and trees also should be avoided as they require more water, fertilizer and care than native species, while they provide no benefit to native wildlife.

Use Local Resources

If still unsure about what type of tree would be best for your space, call an ISA certified arborist.

View arborists

Create Your Own Butterfly Garden

In addition to the host plant, butterfly gardens also need at least one flowering nectar plant. Tropical sage is a popular nectar plant, especially the red ones. Also rosinweed, coneflower and coreopsis.

If you plant them, they will come.

To Attract:
Common Buckeyes



To Attract:
Cassius Blues



To Attract:
Tiger Swallowtails


To Attract:
Black Swallowtails


To Attract:
Great Southern Whites


To Attract:


  • Native Milkweeds and Milkvines

To Attract:
Gulf Fritillary



To Attract:
Cloudless Sulfur



To Attract:
Spicebush Swallowtail


To Attract:
White Peacock


To Attract:
Zebra Swallowtail


To Attract:
Orange Barred Sulphur




A Healthy Tree is a Happy Tree

Trees are our friends and, like any good friendship, trees need care.

Proper tree care is an investment. Well-cared for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can become a significant liability.

Pruning or removing trees, especially large ones can be dangerous work. Tree work should only be done by licensed and insured, certified tree companies. At the end of this section you will find recommendations for trustworthy and reliable arborists.

Create a Wildlife-Friendly Backyard

Attract native wildlife by planting native flowers, shrubs and trees that provide food like berries and seeds are that are pollinator friendly.

Native plants database

Enter your zip code into the Native Plants Database to find out about native plants in your area and which kind of birds they will attract.


Upcycle Dead Trees

Let dead trees decompose gently by providing food and shelter for backyard wildlife.

Landscape with pruned tree limbs which can be used as natural erosion barriers or even stepping stones.


By using the iNaturalist app you can report your tree sightings and connect to a social network of people who map and share observations of biodiversity around the globe. Become a citizen scientist and help scientists by entering every encounter--either with a common backyard weed to trees, shrubs and vines.

Recommended arborists

Click Above to See Contact Information for Arborists We Recommend